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Charity Details
Patron & Supporter Endorsements

“What I really love about the TFF sessions is that they are open to everyone. Whether you are 3 or 83 you can come for as long or short a time as you like and it's available to the whole family. There is something available for everyone regardless of age, size, shape or level. It is that welcoming” Judy Murray

Getting a tennis racquet in a child’s hand and seeing them enjoy the sport is the best pathway to a healthy and active future. It’s also the needed element for the future of British Tennis.” Pat Cash

I’m David Mitchell and as a signed-up supporter of the charity, Tennis For Free, I want everyone to be able to play tennis, have fun and not worry about how they are going to pay for it. Too many of our park courts remain closed but with your help, we can get them open again.” David Mitchell (Comedian, actor and writer)

“We all have a responsibility to ensure everyone has the opportunity to play sport and benefit from the physical and social benefits of it. This is more important today than ever and a child’s ability to pay should never be a barrier” Hugh Grant

“Of all the schemes & the initiatives and all of the great new initiatives to come out from the LTA, the All England which everyone recognises as vital for British Tennis, and they are, you just never know, Tennis For Free born out of a different area may just be the most important initiative for Tennis going forward from this point.” Andrew Castle (TV Presenter and Former Britain Number 1 Tennis Player)

Address, Postcode, Phone

Address line 1 - 32 Highfield Gardens

Postcode - GU11 3DE

Email address -

Telephone number - 07970011223

CIC Month and year established

CIC Month established Year established

10 / 2017

Bank Details

Bank name


Bank account name

Tennis For Free

Bank account number


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Bank address

Address line 1

31 Euston Road

Address line 2 City




Staffing (July 2024)

How many of each of the following are involved in the organisation?

Full time paid staff / workers


Part time paid staff / workers




Management Committee or Trustees


Accounts details (for accounts closing 31/01/2022)

Are you part of a larger regional or national organisation?


Is your organisation new and has not yet produced a set of annual accounts?


What was your organisation's income over the last complete accounting year?


What end date do the accounts relate to?


Expenditure over last complete accounting year?


What were your unrestricted reserves at the end of your last complete accounting year?


Tennis for Free Organisational Profile, management and trustee profiles

Tennis for Free is run by a small executive team made up of a Director, CEO and Administrative team who are responsible for the strategic and financial management of the charity, for programme delivery and local coaching coordination and an to manages all local council, coaches and site logistics. The Board of Trustees is a skills-based board with extensive experience in financial management, strategic development, NGB sports administration, governance and oversight, sports sponsorship and fundraising. The Board are actively involved in supporting the management team in areas such as fundraising and development and volunteering as coaches at many TFF sites.

100 words

Reserves situation

Unrestricted Reserves - Money shown in your accounts at the end of the financial year that can be spent on whatever the management committee see fit. The Charity Commission recommends organisations have 3-6 month unrestricted reserves.

Please explain your reserves

Reserves have to be rebuilt following the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Loss in the year is partly due to a timing issue on funding from our national governing body, the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA).

100 words or less
Please give a brief overview of your project.

Following successful trials last year in partnership with local NHS trusts and MIND we want to expand our bespoke TFF Mental Health sessions across the country, most sessions run as referrals alongside local community organisations, NHS and GP surgeries. Tennis courts are naturally fenced in, this encourages communication and integration in a natural outdoor environment, our games are based around 8 – 10 people on a court so there is no individual pressure, we encourage all participants to stay and have a chat afterwards, form their own friendship and support groups, simple early intervention can have such positive results.

98 words / MWB focus

How will you ensure people know about project and that you will reach the people you want to help?

We will link closely with all Mental Health support service providers within the catchment areas of where our existing park schemes run (in Erdington, Birmingham). Our throughput of referred individuals, who will enjoy the free tennis sessions, will have PR and promotional literature given to them (when appropriate and ready) to move onto the general public sessions to continue their enjoyment of weekly physical and mentally healthy activity.

68 words / MWB focus

Please give details showing how you have calculated staff costs.

Setting up partnerships with GP surgeries, recovery colleges and mental health service providers for the purposes of developing referral pathways. Training and management of coaches delivering the programme and monitoring of the programme and its performance. Other administration tasks. Staff costs also include the coaches that deliver the sessions. Programme Admin Costs: 200 hours of work at £25 per hour = £5000 Coach costs: 1.5 hours per week, for 80 weeks of the year = £3000 

76 words / MWB focus

Please describe your approach to safeguarding, your safeguarding risks and measures to reduce them?

Safeguarding is extremely important to us and all of our schemes are run by LTA accredited coaches, who, as part of their accreditation, are required to take safeguarding courses every 3 years. We also have monitoring systems in place to ensure that a coach's accreditation doesn't lapse and if it does lapse, then they are not eligible to work for us. As well as safeguarding, first aid and DBS checks are also required every 3 years.

76 words / MWB focus

Provide details on how the remaining balance will be covered &whether it has already been secured.

We have private individuals who strongly believe in the benefits of the mental health tennis sessions that we will be providing who have collectively pledged to support the scheme.

29 words / MWB focus

250 words or less
What we are asking for!!

We are asking the Garfield Weston Foundation for £60,000 to allow us to re-launch Tennis for Free and expand our reach following the pandemic. TFF aim to have 200 sites operational by the end of 2023.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, there has never been a more important time to get the nation active again. TFF are in the prime position to get communities out exercising and active, especially those that need us in some of the most deprived communities in the country.

With severe pressure on family finances due to cost of living increases free sport is becoming a necessity, with decisions being made on the choice between heating and food we are likely to see inactivity increase dramatically in high areas of deprivation, TFF are working with the LTA to map out the highest IMD areas to ensure we specifically target those in most need.

Our immediate strategic objectives are to take our already successful programme and use it as a catalyst to attract more people, especially from disadvantaged communities into physical activity through tennis, and into voluntary and community programmes.

This funding, along with our partner and donor funds, will enable our ambition to reach:

  • c.400 sites by 2025 making Tennis For Free potentially the biggest grassroots movement in the sport;
  • 500,000 TFF attendances supported by c.9,000 volunteers;
  • 1,950 trained coaches engaged in our work thus creating much-needed employment opportunities.

232 words / TFF general focus

Why is TFF important?
  • Tennis For Free brings free sport to communities that can least afford it.
  • TFF reinvigorate underutilised park facilities, addressing antisocial behaviour and making parks feel safer for the community to use.
  • TFF strengthen communities by integrating all demographics in one positive place.
  • A survey carried out by Oxford University and Local Tennis leagues revealed that since taking up the game:

90% feel fitter

86% have improved mood/mental health

77% have made friends

76% feel part of a community

74% feel mentally sharper

72% are now more active

32% have lost weight, of which 84% have lost up to half a stone, and 16% more than a stone

  • Sport England have recently released their 10-year strategy “Uniting the Movement”;

Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity. As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone.”

167 words / TFF general focus

What are your outputs?
  • We will have up to 35,000 individual people at our sites in 2023, all getting physically and mentally fitter, utilising their public facilities and creating a more integrated local community.
  • With the average attendee returning 4 times that is 140,000 free sessions to be provided in 2022.
  • We will attract c. 2,000 volunteers, each supporting the scheme and becoming a real part of something tangible locally, improving their self-confidence and self-esteem, making 2,000 people feel a valued part of their community.
  • We will introduce up to 800 new coach opportunities predominantly for young people including those taking Duke of Edinburgh awards creating new employment opportunities.
  • We will reinvigorate and open up c.200 park sporting facilities for the benefit of everyone in a 12 month period.
  • We will integrate multi-cultural and ethnic minorities through sport in their local communities.
  • TFF improves physical and mental health, strengthens communities, reduces crime and creates opportunity for future employment and volunteering in sport.

“I started out as an attendee and I’m now a Tennis Coach. It’s been a great journey” Parminder Saggu, assistant coach at Lampton Park, Parminder has taken his Level 1 and 2 coaching qualifications and now helps deliver TFF at his local park.

“There is a strong multicultural diversity with 39 different nationalities so far amongst the 500 or so registered players and the Inner City location of the site has allowed Tennis to be taken positively to a ‘non-traditional’ community with most players being new to the game.” – Liverpool Council

249 words / TFF scheme focus

How does what you do address this need?

Tennis For Free has for several years been addressing the 5 issues Sport England highlight:

  • Recover and Reinvent

TFF adapt our mass participation sessions to ensure they are relevant, enjoyable and inclusive, we continue to expand our volunteer programmes to ensure we truly are a scheme run by the community, for the community.

  • Connecting Communities

TFF ensure everyone gets the opportunity to participate in their local park, thereby bringing all ages and all backgrounds together in one united sporting movement, we train and develop coaches leading to enhanced employability to benefit their communities further.

  • Positive Experiences for Children and Young People

TFF ensure everyone participates together in a safe, positive and trusted environment, we play mass participation games for mixed abilities, making sure that everyone has fun and a positive experience.

  • Connecting with Health and Well Being

A number of our sites link in with local well-being centres, GP practices and local community centres, we want to expand this further across our 129 sites across the country.

  • Active Environments

TFF is proven to reinvigorate underutilised park tennis courts, leading to councils investing in upgrading and protecting their courts, reduced vandalism through communities respecting facilities that are there for all.

199 words / TFF scheme focus

Tell us about your organisation and the overall work you do

As a charity we run free coach led tennis sessions in public parks throughout the country available for either 12yrs+ attendees or 'All Ages' (depending on how the given funding partner has supported us). We have 47 of these sites throughout the UK as can be seen from our website The purpose behind our schemes is to grow active communities both mentally and physically with tennis as the activity where a common interest is formed. We operate in areas of high deprivation, or, in areas where high deprivation are within a catchment of the venue we operate at. Our weekly tennis sessions at the given venues have a common goal to attract volunteers (from the pool of attendees) who help support the scheme into the future and make the tennis community sustainable after the funding period has ended. This means the legacy of our free weekly tennis programmes carries on either with a coach still leading (where funding can be ongoing sourced) or entirely through volunteers.

167 words / Generic Focus

Tell us about the specific project, service or activity for which you are seeking funding.

Of our 47 sites throughout the UK, we have successfully piloted the scheme in Exeter and Devon and are looking to expand our Midlands and Warwickshire based sites to encompass this same programme. We're specifically looking at Bournville Park (Birmingham) and Pype Hayes Park (Erdington) for this fund that will allow us set up a weekly targeted mental health tennis session and link with GP surgeries, Recovery Colleges, Mental Health Organisations (such as 'Mind') in order to create dedicated referral session (also free) at each of these parks. These additional referral sessions will cater specifically for those who have been referred from a supporting organisation with conditions such as depression, low self esteem, loneliness, confidence issues..etc. These referral sessions will sit alongside (at a different time of the week) with our 'All Ages' or '12yrs+' general public sessions. Our mental health referral sessions are intended to improve the mental and physical health of those referred individuals with a specific tennis format designed to aid recovery of the

above mentioned conditions. The sessions provide an environment where players can interact with others conversationally or can avoid conversations with active tennis playing and periods of rest and waiting. The sessions are both enjoyable, moderately physical but by deliberate design, are designed to be flexible enough to allow social interaction at levels attendees feel comfortable with. The general public weekly sessions are also available to referred individuals when they feel they have the confidence to upgrade to those sessions.

246 words / MWB focus

What difference will this funding make to the lives of people ?

This funding will enable us to set up targeted mental health sessions for those most at need and referred to us by healthcare practioners and other mental health service providers. Those attending our sessions will have increased confidence levels, grow self esteem, combat loneliness as a result of a specially constructed weekly tennis session that will bring about these changes in people. These changes will be achieved through moderate exercise and social environments that allow the attendees to engage with each other at a level they are comfortable with. The environment allows them to dip in and out of the tennis activities, speak more or less to fellow attendees and enjoy the healthy mental and physical benefits of tennis. The sessions also allow attendees to make friends with each other and organise their own games of tennis at the venue at other times of the week.

146 words / MWB focus

How measure the impact of your project, how report the difference funding has made?

We will measure the number of referrals to our targeted mental health sessions and the attendees at the sessions. We will also measure the retention of attendees at the sessions. We will also provide questionnaires on the sessions and session content to check whether the sessions are being received well and improve on areas reported where we can do a bit better. As well as the above mentioned metrics, we will also assess the uptake from these targeted mental health sessions to our separately funded 'general public' tennis sessions. We see that our targeted mental health sessions are a bridge to gaining the confidence to join in on the general public sessions which attendees are welcome to be attended at any time.

122 words / MWB focus

How do you know this activity is needed?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed data on 2nd March 2022, that in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by a massive 25%, according to a scientific brief released by the World Health Organization. The brief also highlights who has been most affected and summarizes the effect of the pandemic on the availability of mental health services and how this changed during the pandemic. (source: -prevalence-of-anxiety-and-depression-worldwide). WHO concludes that a shortage in mental health support services is as a direct result of a lack of investment in this area and urges countries to step up investment in mental health, which post-COVID still remains at very high levels. Our work within this project comes as a direct focus to help those with depression, loneliness, lack of self confidence, low self esteem and significantly improve these issues to a point where they feel comfortable to attend our general public sessions which are also attended by those wishing to improve their mental and physical health.

171 words / MWB focus

500 words or less
Why do you want this project to happen?

Tennis for Free, established in 2004, has grown into a UK wide community sports charity providing free mass participation tennis sessions in public parks throughout the UK. We work with communities from non-traditional sports backgrounds in predominantly IMD areas 1-4 targeting all ages and abilities. We focus on creating vibrant fully integrated social groups using sport as the catalyst. Pre-pandemic we operated in over 125 parks nationwide with over 100,000 participants. Post pandemic with feedback from our communities we trialled a community Well Being programme focused on mental health in Sheffield and Exeter.

TFF have always advocated that local parks are one of the UK’s greatest free resources. In consultation with our communities we realised that a simple less structured programme would allow for a wider participation group of extended families and individuals who were less active to participate. The WHO state that Mental Health cases have increased by 25% since the pandemic, we all know that outdoor activity is one of the most positive tools in improving mental health. Following these consultations we realised that the TFF format of relaxed group games would be a great early intervention programme for those suffering with mental Health issues.

Those living in IMD areas 1-4 and struggling with Mental Health issues are the least likely to be active, we believe that this TFF programme can be used as a major example of simple ways to use Public facilities to get the most Inactive Active again!

‘The State of the Nation’s Health and Wellbeing report for 2023’ stated that:

• Two in three people (63%) believed the cost of living crisis is negatively affecting the nation’s physical and mental health.

• One in three people (35%) reported that their physical health had deteriorated in the last year

• Nearly one in four people (23%) rated their mental health as poor, while one in three reported that their mental health has got worse over the last year.

Mental health ONS Survey August 2023:

• one-quarter (25%) of adults reported feeling lonely always, often, or some of the time.

• 33% stated that they had high levels of anxiety.

• 12% had low levels of happiness and low life satisfaction.

• The percentage of people accessing Mental Health Services is highest in IMD areas 1-4.

TFF will also be launching Over 50's sessions partly to address early onset Dementia, it is stated that 90 minutes of outdoor activity per week can delay the onset of Dementia by up to 30%, again the TFF style of games being mass participation are perfectly suited to getting more older adults active through tennis in their local park.

We will also continue to expand our community weekend sessions open to all abilities particularly targeting areas in IMD 1-4 encouraging all sections of the local community to integrate and use their public facility, not just during the TFF sessions but at other times during the week as well.

481 words / MWB focus

What do you want to achieve from delivering the project?

Our ultimate aim is to make the Park courts a hub for social activity, targeting those groups that are least active and feel that tennis is "not for them". We have proven that our weekend community sessions work, are sustainable and are scalable, we now want to expand the proven format as an early intervention tool for those struggling with anxiety, stress, depression and the ever increasing lonliness.

We all know sport can be one of the best forms of therapy addressing these issues, tennis being in an enclosed environment played in a different format with around 10 people on a court at any one time naturally encourages communication, integration and self support. These groups are often the least active in society, by promoting self confidence through the TFF programmes attendees can also be encourage to use other local sports facilities. We would like to be an example to other sports showcasing what can be achieved in a highly visible and often under utilised facility, not just regenerating tennis courts but regenerating entire parks.

We will work with the council and external partners to introduce a simple impact measurement tool, we are already in conversations with a university to develop this for us. We know that friendships and support groups have developed already from our sessions leading to attendees supporting each other all throughout the year.

We can provide case studies and examples as to how these sessions have changed peoples lives already ultimately leading to individuals exiting the health system and regaining their own lives.

We provide all equipment where needed, rackets, balls etc., again making the journey to join in as seemless as possible.

276 words / MWB focus

What do you want to achieve from delivering the project?

Our ultimate aim is to make the Park courts a hub for social activity, targeting those groups that are least

active and feel that tennis is "not for them".

We have proven that our weekend community sessions work, are sustainable and are scalable, we now want to expand the proven format as an early intervention tool for those struggling with anxiety, stress, depression and the ever increasing loneliness.

We all know sport can be one of the best forms of therapy addressing these issues, tennis being in an enclosed environment played in a different format with around 10 people on a court at any one time naturally encourages communication, integration and self support.

These groups are often the least active in society, by promoting self confidence through the TFF programmes attendees can also be encourage to use other local sports facilities.

We would like to be an example to other sports showcasing what can be achieved in a highly visible and often under utilised facility, not just regenerating tennis courts but regenerating entire parks.

We will work with the council and external partners to introduce a simple impact measurement tool, we are already in conversations with a university to develop this for us. We know that friendships and support groups have developed already from our sessions leading to attendees supporting each other all throughout the year.

We can provide case studies and examples as to how these sessions have changed peoples lives already ultimately leading to individuals exiting the health system and regaining their own lives. We provide all equipment where needed, rackets, balls etc., again making the journey to join in as seamless as possible.

276 words / MWB focus

How will you make it happen?

All Tennis For Free sessions take place on courts in Public Parks, working in partnership with local councils who are keen to support these free sessions for their local communities.

All sessions are run by a qualified and insured LTA licenced coach, the Mental Health sessions also have an experienced support worker nominated by either the council or one of the local support services, the Over 50's and Community sessions are delivered by a coach plus a volunteer team recruited from attendees. Coaches are provided with a detailed programme of games to play at each session with variables depending on session type, numbers in attendance and ability.

All sessions run for one hour with the facility to go on longer should people wish to stay on. The TFF Mental Wellbeing sessions will run on weekdays, trials have shown that these sessions work best when the courts are least used, also in order to ensure a support worker is in attendance availability is best during normal weekday working hours.

The first point of contact is the Well being officer at each council, by working with a pro active officer they can link in other local organisations in order to signpost service users to these sessions. We also encourage local GP surgeries to offer this to those in need. We would like to form a national partnership with Mind, currently we work with their local offices, in order to help us achieve scale and recruit experienced support workers and volunteers.

The TFF Over 50's sessions also take place on weekdays, these are primarily targeting retired attendees and again work best when the courts are least used. These sessions will be promoted via the local council and through TFF head office marketing channels and via the appointed coach.

The TFF Community sessions take place mainly at weekends, this encourages families to come along together and makes the scheme truly open to everyone in the local community. These sessions will be promoted via the local council and through TFF head office marketing channels and via the appointed coach.

All sites will have banners and posters in notice boards promoting each session, however we have learnt that being in a visible park site is the best marketing of all, those walking past see all the activities happening and are encouraged to join in.

Sessions will in most cases run weekly for between 12 and 40 weeks of the year subject to demand and coach availability. We aim to have c. 100 sessions running weekly across the different TFF schemes with an average of 20 people attending each session for up to 40 weeks of the year, that is up to 80,000 participants at TFF annually, with an average of each person attending 4 times that is 20,000 individuals.

Examples of some site locations are below, as we are nationwide it is impossible to list where all target sites are located.

485 words / MWB focus

Executive Summary of TFF

Established in 2004 Tennis for Free is a registered CIO (number 1174954) that operates free fully-inclusive community tennis sessions for all ages and sections of the community in public parks nationwide . These are based on a fun session every week of the year, managed by fully trained professional coaches and supported by local volunteers. The results; making tennis and sport available to all – from those who simply want to try out the game to the less privileged who may otherwise not engage in tennis or indeed any sport. There are no catches, all equipment, everything is provided free. Tennis for Free currently works in over 120 sites throughout the UK, two-thirds of which are located within disadvantaged communities. We focus on attracting participants from every background to engage with the game while encouraging many of them to volunteer and undertake certified coaching programmes, the entry point for employment as a tennis coach.

Our sessions change lives, they build social networks, reduce isolation, support families, teach new skills, build life skills like teamwork and communication, and divert young people away from crime and antisocial behaviour. For some participants they also lead to employment.

We are requesting £60,000 from the Garfield Weston Foundation to allow us to gear back up, pay staffing overheads and expand our delivery under our strategic plan, so that we can support communities to become more active and rebuild social networks following COVID-19.

We use the Government and the devolved administrations respective indices of deprivation to help ensure that we reach as many of the UK’s 100 most deprived communities as possible. We also partner with other external organisations such as the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), Active Partnerships, local councils and community groups to ensure attendees are those within each community that will benefit the most from participation in physical activity and community support programmes.

TFF was founded in 2004 as a campaigning body making park courts available for FREE to ALL local communities, particularly to those from non-traditional tennis backgrounds. By using mass participation drills and games we encourage a vibrant and fun atmosphere giving a new experience to the game of tennis. To prove the sustainability and viability of TFF we ran 10 sites over 10 years in the hope that the LTA, Sport England and other bodies would embrace the scheme and roll it out on a national basis. In 2017 TFF entered into a 3-year partnership agreement with the LTA to include their financial support and the ability to utilising their national coaching infrastructure. At the end of 2019 this had allowed us to reach over 125 sites nationally and record over 180,000 attendances during that period. We have a new agreement about to be completed for 2022 with a long-term vison between the LTA and TFF of a truly volunteer led community scheme for perpetuity.

473 words / TFF general focus

750 words or less
What difference does your work make?

We work in the most socially deprived areas of the UK. All TFF sites encourage no cost physical well-being. By running highly visible enjoyable mass drills and fun games in high-profile public areas for many of our participants this is the first experience of social and physical activity outside of school.

We bring communities together, from BAME backgrounds, different nationalities, individuals struggling with mental health and isolation.

We encourage Volunteers to give back to their community, encourage further training with coaching opportunities leading to potential future employment opportunities.

  • We address social inclusion and bring sport to those who can least afford it;

“From a council perspective, it’s been great working with Tennis For Free. We’ve been able to address a number of different agendas. One would be a social inclusion agenda by breaking down the financial barriers and maximising the usage of our tennis courts” Head of Leisure, Epsom & Ewell Council

  • We reduce vandalism on otherwise under-utilised public sporting facilities;

“Where our courts were under-utilised, we recognised that Tennis For Free was an excellent way to encourage participation in the sport and improve tennis skills locally, particularly within economically disadvantaged areas. As a result, both the community and the council get a lot more benefit out of the courts that were previously vandalised and vacant much of the time. I would encourage other local authorities to take a look at this initiative.” Parks & Greenspaces Manager, London Borough of Merton

  • By proving a demand for this facility councils will invest in maintaining and upgrading courts that could otherwise be lost to the local community;

We are delighted with the TFF programme which is delivered at Manor Park in Aldershot, and is available for all of the family. It encourages them to participate in free coach led tennis activity, available every Sunday morning, 50 weeks of the year. The tennis interest created at this park has enabled us to justify resurfacing these.” Leisure & Play Portfolio Holder of Rushmoor Council

The Police have set up a Young Offenders Social Inclusion Scheme Session in-conjunction with TFF due to the scheme’s success in social engagement. Hednesford Park, Sheffield

  • “The way in which the actual sessions help people with mental health issues is that the training is short bursts of exercise and constant moving of the individuals amongst the people attending. Many of our vulnerable people are struggling with confidence and isolation, so the way the coaching moves tennis players around means they are not under pressure to make conversation because they are busy and have a common discussion topic. The Tennis for Free sessions are far more than just a means to raise fitness and an interest in the sport of Tennis, it is a fabulous means to practically integrate all sectors of the community, build friendships, and considerably improve individual's lives. 'Wolfie' as we all know and love him, came to the park a couple of years ago as an isolated gentleman that needed to improve his literacy skills. He is 64 years of age and thanks to being an avid Sunday Tennis for Free participant, is fitter than the rest of us and many of the younger volunteers. He is recognised throughout the district and now regularly has children shouting "Hello Wolfie" to him, he is a lifetime supporter of Wolverhampton Wanderers and insists on displaying this proudly by wearing clothing to promote this.” - Lynn C.E. Evans, Hednesford Park

570 words / TFF Scheme focus

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